Prioritizing Teacher Wellbeing; Interview with Meg Durham

At this time of year, some children in the world are preparing for the end of the school year. Others are preparing for mid-year winter holidays. Their teachers are anticipating a welcome break after months of planning, preparation and implementation of lessons, rigorous assessment and reporting, and management of specific student needs. In my years… Continue reading Prioritizing Teacher Wellbeing; Interview with Meg Durham

The Joy of Celebration, Hope and Fresh Starts in Solution-Focus – My Student Nina

Last night, Haesun Moon and I had our joint Book Party, to celebrate both of our books; Coaching A to Z, and Relationspaces; A Solution-Focused Handbook for Parents. The event was at once extremely energizing, while it shed the light of peace and support from faithful family, friends and colleagues. The backdrop of this beautiful… Continue reading The Joy of Celebration, Hope and Fresh Starts in Solution-Focus – My Student Nina

The Potential Struggles of Anticipating a New School Year; A Mindful Parental Self-Check-In

Summers represent a break in the usual routine for families, a time to do things differently – more flexibly. As you set aside regular schedules and routines, you may have had a special holiday or spent more time with family. Your children may have had an opportunity to decompress and sleep in, access more outdoor… Continue reading The Potential Struggles of Anticipating a New School Year; A Mindful Parental Self-Check-In

Failures Exist Within a Landscape of Opportunity

Celebrating Failure through a Solution-Focused Lens   After reading an article by Melanie I Stefan in 2010, Johannes Haushofer – Assistant Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs (Princeton University) was inspired to share an alternative resume (2016) where he listed all of his career failures (e.g., degrees he did not get into, jobs he did… Continue reading Failures Exist Within a Landscape of Opportunity

Children as Decision-Makers?

Children develop confidence and autonomy when with guidance of a caring adult (e.g., a parent or teacher), are encouraged to actively resolve personal challenges (great or small). Depending on age and maturity, if left to their own devices, children may not have the awareness needed to recognize personally crafted decisions that can negatively affect their… Continue reading Children as Decision-Makers?


Conversations about SUCCESS often include the great outcomes, the big win, top evaluations, performances and presentations. This type of success is only available to the fortunate few. With a solution-focused mindset, success is accessible to everyone, as it represents the many accomplishments we experience in daily life, both large and small. What is a small… Continue reading Success


Communication has been the vehicle through which people connect and develop relationships from infancy through adulthood. We are a social species, motivated to develop and evolve within the context of others. When we interact, we do much more than exchange information. We express our thoughts and opinions, actively listen, engage both verbally and nonverbally, observe… Continue reading Communication

Teenagers Can Ignore Adults

Teenagers often tune off to adult wisdom – interpreting it as a personal affront on their own core beliefs, and their ability to problem-solve on their own. We can open the lines of communication and help to develop an improved relationship with our teens, by actively listening to, and supporting them in reflecting on their… Continue reading Teenagers Can Ignore Adults

The Importance of Fresh Starts

One of the best ways in which to show our appreciation to our children is to give them a fresh start each day. As we do, we send a strong message of acceptance and forgiveness, regardless of any setbacks experienced on the previous day. In a climate of hope, we celebrate with them the importance… Continue reading The Importance of Fresh Starts