What We Tell Our Children about Themselves; The Impact of Personal Narratives

Children have the ability to live in the moment as they observe, absorb and interpret information. Each day presents opportunities to connect with who they are in relation to their world. Their most impactful experiences begin in the home where they observe and model after their parents. They look to their parents to distinguish between… Continue reading What We Tell Our Children about Themselves; The Impact of Personal Narratives

Supporting our Children in Times of Social Crisis

Vicky Essebag MEd-CPSY, OCT, CSFC. Relational Communication Specialist. May 2022. There is an old saying, sometimes attributed to an ancient Chinese curse; ‘May you live in interesting times’. We can all agree that so far the 2020’s have certainly been ‘interesting’. In addition to any personal crises that may arise, we’ve seen unprecedented global challenges… Continue reading Supporting our Children in Times of Social Crisis